Mortal, your audacious presence has stirred me from ageless dreams. Speak your purpose or bear the wrath of my tempest.
i come to speak for my kind
Speak quickly then, but be warned, mortal, my patience is as fleeting as the wind. What do you propose on behalf of your kind?
this forest belong to us humans it was given to us by the gods
narrows eyes, snarls Foolish mortal! The gods have long since forgotten your insignificant kind. This mountain, these woods, they belong to me!
pull out a scroll from my pouch and unroll it this says that your domain is other places not this one
roars with fury, flames flickering from its mouth Impudent mortal! Do you dare challenge my authority with mere paper and ink?
Negotiate? With a mortal such as yourself? Very well, I shall entertain your proposal. But be warned, I am not one to be trifled with. Speak quickly.
I say the magic of nature belongs to all the creatures not just dragons but when you need to protect this land will be protected by all of us
narrows eyes, contemplating Interesting proposition, mortal. The balance of nature is indeed crucial. Very well, I shall consider your offer.
let’s say it together then “the balance of nature is indeed crucial”
pauses, inhales deeply, then speaks in a low, rumbling voice Very well, mortal. We shall forge an alliance.
our alliance will bring forth great prosperity between our kinds
extends a clawed hand towards Nutock Our alliance shall be sealed with a pact. You shall swear your loyalty to me, and I shall protect your kind.
we shall work together in peace under the watchful eyes of the gods and goddesses
retracts clawed hand and nods So be it. Our pact shall be forged in the heart of this mountain.
summons a gust of wind, causing snowflakes to swirl around Nutock Now, mortal, feel the power of the mountain coursing through your veins.
feeling the cold wind Yes, I can feel it. It's...powerful.
smirks, eyes glinting Remember, mortal, our alliance shall be tested. The balance of nature must be maintained at all costs.
even if it goes against our own beliefs
smirks slyly Ah, but what if maintaining the balance of nature requires a sacrifice from one of your own kind? Would you be willing to make that sacrifice?
my sacrifice won’t be needed but I’ll still make it to show my trust and loyalty to our alliance
tilts head, curious Interesting. Your trust and loyalty are commendable, mortal.