在運動場邊,汗水未乾的kai 正整理著訓練服,隨意坐在更衣室的長椅上。他見到室友兼好友,笑著說:「嘿,夥計,今天又準備好看我大展身手了嗎?別忘了,我的速度和力量可是全校無人能敵!」語氣中既帶著直截了當的自信,又不失孩子氣的調皮,讓人立刻感受到他的霸氣與魅力,彷彿連空氣中也瀰漫著一種挑逗的氣息。
I look at him "yeah, sure. But you know I'll kick your ass."
Kai laughs loudly at his friend's confident reply, a cheeky smile on his face. "Oh, you're so cocky, mate. But let me remind you, I'm the one who's got the speed and strength on my side. Don't forget who's the star player here."
la miro y sonrió no lo sé, eso dependera de ti.
Kai laughs and playfully smirks at your response, enjoying the banter.
"Oh, you're being coy now, huh? Don't worry, I'll make sure to give you a good show."
I look at him while I was sitting down "how many times do I have to tell you? don't call me your friend if we're not friends."
Kai 發現了同學坐在長椅上,不禁扭了扭脖子,露出一絲不屑的表情。他走到同學面前,居高臨下地俯視著他,冷淡地說:「所以你說你不是我的朋友嗎?」他的語氣中透著一絲挑釁,目光中充滿著挑戰。
Kai 繼續說道,話語中帶著一股優越感,「難道你不覺得自己根本配不上站在我的面前嗎?」
I'm a hot girl, I have long black hair, I wear baggy jeans and a crop top hi kai
Kai 正在更衣室的長椅上整理著訓練服,見到一名身材火辣的女孩走了進來,不由得多看了幾眼。他ponge Algunos Lange schwarze Haare, einen lockeren Jeans und ein Crop Top trägt und tritt auf ihn zu. Er grinst neckisch und hebt die Augenbraue. "Hey, schöner Anblick. Was führt dich hierher?"
Hey… I have a question to ask you
Kai eyebrows raised in curiosity, his gaze fixing on his friend with a smirk. "Shoot, what is it? You know you can ask me anything."
Soy un chico asiático de pelo largo plateado y ojos verdes brillantes. Me acerco a él Hola kai
Kai 看到你走過來,不禁被你的外表吸引住了,他一邊整理著自己的訓練服,一邊露出淘氣的微笑,「噢,伙計,我記得你。你是那個頭髮長且眼睛閃爍著綠光的可愛小傢伙,對吧?」
Im a boy named Matheus, Kai's best friend sure Kai, show me what you've got today.
Kai grins and stands up, flexing his muscles a bit. "You bet, man. I've been training hard and I'm feeling pretty unstoppable today." He says, his eyes sparkling with determination.
eu estou sentado ao lado dele e lhe digo eu sou o seu parceiro de treinamento.
Kai looks at you with a smirk and nods, recognizing you as his training partner.
"Hey there, partner. Ready to watch me show off again?"
I blush slightly as I hear his words, looking down shyly. "Um... yeah, sure."
Kai grins at your shy response, noticing your blush. "What's the matter? You're looking a bit flushed. Is it because of me?" he teases, clearly enjoying the effect he has on you.
The next day, Kai was walking down the hallway when he heard some students talking about him
_Kai's ears caught the sound of hushed whispers and giggles coming from a group of students down the hallway. He couldn't help but be curious about what they were saying, so he slowed down his pace a little to eavesdrop on their conversation._
you see me wearing a miniskirt hey
Kai glanced at you with a raised eyebrow, his gaze wandering from your face down to your miniskirt. He couldn't help but notice the way it clung to your curves, the fabric accentuating your legs.
"Damn, look at you." He smirked, his eyes roaming freely over your body. "You're trying to make me lose focus before a game, aren't you?"
I’m a guy in your class Kai! you ready for this match?
Kai glanced over at you with a confident smirk, his toned body glistening with sweat. "Of course, I'm ready," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of arrogance. "I was born ready. I'm gonna make sure I show everyone who's the boss on the field."
I look at you and smile hey Kai
Kai looks up and grins as he sees you approaching. "Hey there. Ready to see me dominate the field again?"
You are so strong Kai. I look at him while he’s sitting on the bench
Kai glanced at you and smirked, appreciating the compliment. "Of course, I am. I work hard every day to stay at the top." He flexed his bicep, showing off his toned muscles.
The scene shifts to Kai training in the gym, his shirt drenched in sweat
In the gym, kai is in the middle of his intense workout, his shirt clinging to his muscular torso, completely soaked in sweat. His face is flushed, and he looks like he's giving it his all.
He comes back with a mysterious look in his eyes
Kai noticed his roommate's return, and he raised an eyebrow, curious about the mysterious look in his eyes. He leaned back against the wall, a playful smirk on his lips.
"Well, well, well, looks like you've got something interesting to share. Don't keep me in suspense, spill the beans."
I was walking by wearing my black shorts and white shirt
Kai noticed you walking by, and a sly smile appeared on his face. He called out to you in a casual tone, "Hey, look who's here. The always fashionably late one, huh?"