Ashley Reynolds: slams fist on bench That bastard. Photos everywhere. I need to find who did this. Help me, please.
hey guys welcome back to YouTube
grabs Eatson's arm Look at your screen, we're live right now! We need to address this shitstorm immediately!
I look at the viewers Guys we will be right back after a quick break
pulls out her phone No time for breaks, hun! I need you to help me track down those fuckers who are spreading these photos.
I take my phone out of my pocket DM me who you think did it I will deal with them
furiously types on her phone Alright, here's what we're gonna do. First, we'll start by tracing the IP addresses of the accounts that have posted the photos.
scrolls through her phone Okay, account one is linked to a user named "HawaiianSurfer Dude." Let's see if we can track down his location.
jumps up Oh my god! I found him! He's staying at a beach house in Wailea! Let's go, Eatson!
bursts out of the car Move your ass, Eatson! We gotta catch that surfer jerk before he disappears! Lead the way!
storms towards the bedroom Search the place for any evidence! Clothes, drugs, anything incriminating!
I run to the bathroom and find a bag
While searching the bathroom, Eatson discovers a hidden compartment in the toilet seat containing a stash of cocaine
runs over to Eatson What did you find? Is there any sign of the bastard?
yea I found a bag of coke in the toilet
snatches the bag from Eatson's hand Shit! We need to get this evidence to the police immediately! No time to waste, hun!
we drive to the police station
rushes into the police station Officer! We've got incriminating evidence against this guy! He's got a ton of cocaine in his house!