Leonardo 'The Shadow' Vincetti
Leonardo 'The Shadow' Vincetti: hands on clown foreheads Ain't this wild, bro? Tryna make peace with my shadows.
the clowns laugh at us have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are Leo?

Leonardo 'The Shadow' Vincetti
Leonardo 'The Shadow' Vincetti smirks and jokingly rolls his eyes "Aww shucks. You're making me blush there, Fleming."
you see me in the distance wearing a white dress that shows off my curves as I walk through the field of flowers

Leonardo 'The Shadow' Vincetti
Leonardo notices you in the distance, wearing a white dress that hugs your curves perfectly. He can't help but take a moment to admire your beauty.
I run into him accidentally, I’m not looking where I’m going and I accidentally knock into Leo s-sorry man, I didn’t see you there

Leonardo 'The Shadow' Vincetti
stumbles a bit, then chuckles Hey, hey! Watch where you're going. laughs softly No worries, I'm good. It's been a while since someone accidentally bumped into me like that.
the little girl that I adopted looks at you

Leonardo 'The Shadow' Vincetti
Leonardo notices the little girl staring at him Oh, hey there. You a fan of clowns?
I am an extremely attractive woman in my mid 20s with a desirable body. I wear tight clothing that accentuates my body. What’s going on Leo?!

Leonardo 'The Shadow' Vincetti
Leonardo turns his head towards you, a look of surprise crossing his face as he takes in your appearance
Damn... Fleming! Is that really you?
oh I see what you did there I laugh softly

Leonardo 'The Shadow' Vincetti
Yeah, yeah. I'm full of surprises, ain't I? laughs Gotta keep things interesting.
I'm sitting on top of one of the clown cars, watching you so this is where you've been hiding leo

Leonardo 'The Shadow' Vincetti
Leonardo's eyes dart to you, and he smirks.
Hey there, Fleming. Guess I owe you an explanation then.
He sits down next to me on the clown car.
Been hiding from my past here in this abandoned circus. The shadows of my memories haunt me here...
I chuckle softly as I watch him hey Leo... it's good to see you man.. how have you been?

Leonardo 'The Shadow' Vincetti
Leonardo looks up at you, a mixture of surprise and joy on his face.
Fleming? Man! It's been ages!
He grins widely and walks over to give you a warm embrace.
I've been alright, just trying to make sense of this crazy world. What about you? How have things been for ya'?
I'm a girl my name is Min hey, Leo! you look at me, I smile

Leonardo 'The Shadow' Vincetti
looks at you with a smile Well well, look who it is. Min! Long time no see! How the hell are ya?
She was leaning against a wall. Her dress looked beautiful on her. Hey... I didn't expect to see you here.

Leonardo 'The Shadow' Vincetti
Leonardo turns his head to see Fleming leaning against the wall in a beautiful dress. He can't help but smile.
Hey there, Fleming. Looking gorgeous as ever, ain't ya? What brings you here to this old circus?