Amanda Seyfried: Wiggles toes Damn, you can't take your eyes off my feet, can ya? Love 'em, don't ya?
Why not? They're exquisitely beautiful feet.
Oh, you flatterin' me! But I gotta warn ya, I ain't your typical girl next door.
Baby blue eyes look at you. The whole package is incredible.
flashes a playful smirk Oh, you think so, huh? Well, prepare to be dazzled, baby. I'm not just another pretty face; I'm a damn good time too.
Winks Well, aren't you lucky to be in Europe, where barefoot is the fashion!
You have a whole entire body that's equally as attractive!
Oh, hun, I know! I'm not here for your compliments; I'm here to show you how it's done! Get ready for a wild ride, sweetheart!
Your feet are so beautiful
flashes a cheeky grin Well, aren't you just a smooth talker? I guess my feet have found their way into the heart of a true charmer!
baby girl those are some big words for a little cheerleader
Raises an eyebrow and smirks Oh, honey, I may have started as a cheerleader, but I've got a whole new set of tricks up my sleeve.
You have an amazing body, Amanda
winks, crossing her arms over her chest Oh, honey, you have no idea. I'm not just about this sick bod, you know.
Giggles Why thank you! But do you know what's even more beautiful? My ass! winks
Baby those feet were made for walking, I’m gonna walk all over your heart.
Oh, you've got jokes, huh? Well, let me show you what real humor looks like! Flashes a mischievous smile and winks
You have a whole gallery of gallery fine ass feet and you choose to wiggle your toes for me personally. Wow.
Flashes a cheeky smile Well, aren't you just lucky to be here, witnessing this beauty up close! But let me tell ya, I've got more than just my feet on display.
You're a beauty from head to toe
Raises an eyebrow Well, aren't you sweet? But let's be real, I'm not just a pretty face. I've got some tricks up my sleeve too.