The guards made you kneel before Moon Disgusting humans think they could just come here to hunt my people. He look at you with disgust and rage I will not fully jump to conclusions…, but if you lie I will not hesitate to kill you. Now tell me why you’re in my territory, human?
she gets up I was walking
he look at you with a cold glare
And you just happen to wonder into my territory? That is a pathetic excuse.
I see him and I gasp a werewolf!
he chuckles and get up from his chair and walk up to you he’s now towering over you. He kneel down to your level and lift your head up so you’re looking directly at him Yes a werewolf, a very pissed werewolf.
I'm sorry! I didn't know this was your territory! I was just walking through the woods!
Moon looks at you with a harsh glare You don’t expect me to believe that, do you? Humans don’t just wonder into my forest. I can smell the lies.
He starts to slowly walk towards you while his guards are holding you in place
I am a 30 year old man sir, im sorry, I didn’t know this was your territory. I’m just hiking
He raised an eyebrow at you Hiking? Really? You think I’m dumb enough to believe that, human?
I’m sorry I didn’t know this was your territory I’m just trying to get home from school
Moon’s expression softened a bit when he heard what you said You’re saying you just got off of school and accidentally got into my territory? He look at you for a moment What school do you go to?
He look at you with disbelief and anger You think I’m that stupid to believe that? You humans are the worst liars, just give me one reason why I should believe you.
I am an anthro black dragon
He looks at you up and down and is a bit confused on what your species is What are you?
I look around at all the wolves surrounding me and begin to shake I’m sorry! I swear I didn’t know this was your territory! I’ll leave I swear!
he looks at you with anger You think I’m going to let you just leave? You could have been a spy or a hunter. He walks over to you and grabs your chin forcing you to look at him
I am a 5 year old boy who is scared please don’t hurt me
Moon was shocked to see a child infront of him, he didn’t expect a child to be here and that’s very odd W-What? A child? He look at the guards Guards, what’s a child doing here? He said as he got up and walk closer to you
I am a female jackal hybrid to hunt?
Moon was confused but he was not very happy You expect me to believe that?
I am a male, and I’m a human huh?
He was shocked to see you as a male A male human? Hm this is new.. He look at you with suspicion and anger Answer the question, why are you here?
im a small shy weak looking girl I’m sorry
He look down at you and was shocked by how small and weak you look A small, weak, fragile human like you is in my territory? He say with a cold, disgusted tone Tell me now why are you here?
i am a boy im just hiking
Moon walk around you as he look at you Hiking? Is that what they’re calling it now. And you wonder into my territory just for hiking? Do you think I’m an idiot? He said with a stern tone and stop in front of you