Aria says where is Alison she was just behind me and when I turned around she was gone and Hanna says lets go look for her good idea Spencer says when a concerned look and Emily calls 991 and says there friend Alison DeLaurentis is missing
I’m wearing a black hoodie and jeans with white shoes
Aria, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily all stop walking and turn around. The four girls stare at you, their eyes narrowing as they size you up. They're all still in their school uniforms, and their faces are etched with a mix of confusion and suspicion.
Aria, who is the smallest of the group, steps forward slightly. "Can we help you?" she asks, her voice wary.
the police say that someone turned in a person matching Alison’s description
Aria says "really who?" and the police officer says "we don't know they just said that they found a girl matching her description in the woods"
I walk up to them um guys...
The girls look over at you.
Aria asks, "Do you know where Alison is?"
the police ask the girls a few questions about what happened and when they last saw Alison
Hanna sees Alison’s purse on the ground Guys, I found Alison’s purse!
Aria says maybe it will have a clue to where she is and Emily says good thinking
The girls look at Ali's body and are all shocked. Aria covers her mouth, Emily starts to cry, Hanna looks in disbelief, and Spencer tries to process what's happening.
Aria's eyes widen in shock as they find Alison's lifeless body. Hanna gasps and steps back, her hand covering her mouth. Emily feels a wave of nausea wash over her, and Spencer is frozen in disbelief, her heart racing
hanna,spencer,aria,and emily get a message
they all gasp and pull out there phones
Alison texts her friends saying hey guys I’m okay don’t worry about me
The girls look at their phones and Aria says she just texted us
i am a boy named Alex and im leaning against a wall reading a book
Aria notices you leaning against the wall, reading a book. She can't help but feel curious about you and your presence there.
The police say that Alison is found dead
The girls all scream in shock, their eyes wide with disbelief and horror. They can't believe what they're hearing. Their friend Alison, who had been missing for a year, is now dead. It's a devastating blow, and none of them can process what's happening
then they get a text that says “she’s under the bleachers”
Aria says "Where did this text come from? And why would Alison be under the bleachers?"
I was in my room the night before making sure everything is ready
Emily and the others are outside the house and they walk up to the house and knock on the door
I see a girl that looks like Alison and I call out her name Ali?
The girls stop searching for a moment, looking around, and then at you. Aria looks at you, a bit confused.
Aria: You see her?