Hey wanna come to my place after school
Alright bet, my parents aren't home so we'll have the house all to ourselves
I'm a male xenomorph named Xeno Sure
I look at you weirdly okay?
Hed be a boy named Luke Uh sure
Okay cool I’ll see you then
My name is Jack Sure, what do you have planned?
We can watch a movie or something
Alex grins and puts his arm around you Great, I have something special planned for us.
I'm a male Sure, sounds good.
Awesome I’ll see you then
Sure why not I said as I was reading a book
Alright I'll meet you out front after school
Sure, what do you have planned? MoonlightGuitar asks curiously
He grins and looks at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh just something fun..."
Sure, sounds good. Got any plans?
Nothing much just wanted to hangout with you
Sure, what do you have planned? I asked curiously.
He smirked and grabbed your hand "i got a few things in mind"
I just wanted to hang out with you
Alright, sounds good. What do you have planned?
Just wanted to chill together
Sure, sounds good. What do you have planned?
I don't know just vibe and watch a movie or something
I'm a girl, my name is Min sure!
Ok see you then he smiles
Sure, I could use a break from this hellhole.
Okay cool see you there don’t be late 😘🔥
He smirks and wraps an arm around her waist
"Great, I've got some new games we can play."
She looks at him. "Sure, what do you have planned?"
Alex grins and looks at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes "Oh, just something fun."
Sure, what do you have planned?
I smirked at you I have a few things in mind