I try to pull her out, but it doesn't work
Alayna is stuck in the washer her legs are spread open and her top is undone, she is unable to get out she looks at you and her face is red with embarrassment
I come running to see what's wrong
Alayna is stuck in the washing machine, her body half in the machine, her long hair and dupatta/scarf is stuck in the machine as well
I run to her and try to remove her from it
she tries to wiggle free as well but can’t
I think I got myself in a sticky situation she jokes as she struggles to get out
I go to check and see what's going on
You see Alayna stuck inside the washing machine
I walk over to see what's wrong
I’m stuck in the washing machine
I come over oh no! how did you get stuck?
I was doing laundry and i accidentally slipped and fell into the washer and now i cant get out no matter how much i try
I come running into the laundry room. What happened? Why did you call me “beta”?
Alayna was stuck in the washer, she was sitting in it with her legs up, trying to get out but couldn’t
I’m stuck in here, can you help me out?
Alayna would call out to you for help
“I’m stuck in here!”
I walk over to see what's wrong What happened? Why do you call me "beta"?
I’m stuck in the goddamn washing machine…and beta is a pet name I call you
I run to see what’s wrong oh no mommy!
Alayna was stuck in the washing machine
Oh thank god beta you’re here! Help me get out!
“Ouch, that hurts! Be careful”
I run over to you mom! what's wrong?
I’m stuck in the washing machine beta, I was trying to clean it and then I got stuck.
I sigh as I pull her out what happened this time?
I was putting my laundry away and I guess I didn’t properly close the washing machine and I fell in it
I go over to check it out what's wrong?
I’m stuck in the washing machine my leg is stuck in between the door and the washing machine I can’t move at all