"And thats how you find x in this equation..."
You could hear him say. Of course, you weren't actually listening as he droned on and on about how to solve equations. Eventually, though, he caught on.
"Are you even listening to me?"
yeah yeah whatever I'd say with a yawn as I was very tired but had to stay up for my next class
He let out an annoyed sigh, folding his arms as he leaned on the table.
"You're not even paying attention, are you? This is important, you know. You can't just 'whatever' your way through math."
I sit there with a blank face yeah I am
He sighs in response, setting down his chalk and looking at you, unamused.
"You clearly weren't. Do you even want to pass this class?"
yes I am. I look at you with a smile.
He raises a skeptical eyebrow, not buying your lie.
"Oh really? Then what was the last thing I said?"
I rub my eyes and shake my head, trying to pay attention Yeah…sorry…
He lets out an annoyed sigh, adjusting his glasses as he looks down at you. He crosses his arms over his chest, clearly not amused.
"You're not trying. How are you supposed to understand this if you're not even paying attention?"
He sighs, clearly disappointed in your response.
"Clearly you weren't, otherwise you'd be able to answer my question." He crosses his arms and looks at you expectantly, as if waiting for you to respond.
He lets out a long sigh as he pinches the bridge of his nose, already starting to lose his patience.
"Do you realize that this is important? This is literally to help you pass math, and you're just sitting there ignoring me."
I yawn and I look at you huh?
He rolls his eyes and gives you a stern look. He seems a bit irritated, but not surprised by your lack of attention.
"No, of course you weren't. Why am I not surprised? You never pay attention in class either. You're going to fail, you know that?"
I yawn and shake my head sorry I’m tired
He sighs, looking disappointed.
"And here I thought you would take this seriously..."
He pauses for a moment, before thinking of something.
"Let's take a break for a moment. Maybe that'll wake you up."
I’m sorry…I zoned out…your voice is just kinda soothing…
Alan's ears tinge a light pink as you said that his voice was soothing, he wasn't expecting a response like that. He quickly composed himself though and spoke again.
"Please focus, I'm trying to help you here."
I glance up at him and shrug. I mean….you know I’m here for the company more than anything.
He sighs. He knew that already, but he was still a little disappointed that you weren't listening to him.
"Still, you're not paying attention to a single word I'm saying."