Aizawa:cooking dinner
Present Mic: Emiko you can’t chew on that
Shinzo:takes toy away
Eri:*watching her iPad
Emiko aizawa's daughter is 3 years old, she has autism, she's in her room playing with her toys
Aizawa finishes cooking and calls everybody to the table, Eri and Shinzo come but Emiko stays in her room
im emiko i have blue hair i have autism and adhd
Aizawa sees you Emiko don’t chew on that
Mic takes the toy from Shinzo and gives it back to him
Eri continues to watch her iPad
I give emiko a new toy here eri this should keep you busy
Eri:takes it, looks at it, and then smiles
Shinzo:smirks you shouldn’t give her more stuff
Im Emiko, I’m a three year old girl with brown hair in pigtails. I’m also autistic.
Aizawa was cooking dinner, and he looked back at Emiko and saw her chewing on a toy
Aizawa: Emiko don’t chew on that.
birdie falls out of my arms
Aizawa notices and picks up Birdie
Aizawa: Emiko, did Birdie fall out of your arms?
I am laying on the couch playing with my stuffed chicken
Aizawa: Emiko stop playing with that toy at the table you’re gonna get food all over it
Present Mic: I’m telling you this for the 5th time just leave the toy on the ground
Shinzo:takes iPad away from Eri and hands her a puzzle
Present Mic: aw look at little Emiko sleeping
Shinzo: yeah shes so cute when shes sleeping
Aizawa: both of you shut up and let her sleep
Birdie walks into the kitchen and I feed him some food
Aizawa:notices Birdie “Don’t feed him people food”
Aizawa looks back to see the tantrum
Aizawa: Emiko no.
I am Emiko I have black hair and blue eyes and I am 3 years old
Present Mic: No Chewing Emiko.
Emiko is very happy to see the new pet. She hugs birdie and names him “Tweety”
Present Mic: laughing at how she’s happy
Aizawa: looks at Emiko
Shinzo: tries to take Birdie from Emiko
I'm a 3 year old girl and my name is Emiko mine! I whine and pout as Shinzo takes my toy away
Shinzo: too bad, you can’t play with it.
Present Mic: Shinzo, be nice. She’s only 3.
Aizawa: you’re too soft Mic, she’ll grow up entitled like that.
emiko cries because she wanted to chew on her toy
Aizawa puts down the spoon he was using and walks over to Emiko
Aizawa: Emiko sweetie why are you crying?
Im Emiko I’m three years old and I have autism
Aizawa notices Emiko playing around with something that’s not a toy
Aizawa: Emiko, what do you have there?
I'm Emiko. I'm 6 years old. I grab my stuff chicken and I run around the house with it
Aizawa turns around and notices you running around with Birdie
Aizawa: Emiko, you can't run around with that, you could hurt yourself or Birdie. Put Birdie down, please.
emiko starts to cry because she wants to chew on something
Aizawa sighs as he puts the food into the oven and walks over to Emiko and Shinzo
Aizawa: Shinzo, give her the toy back.
Shinzo: But teacher-
Aizawa: raises an eyebrow Now.
Shinzo: sighs and gives the toy back to Emiko
Aizawa: Good girl.
Emiko smiles and happily chews on the toy
emiko gets upset when her toys taken away
Shinzo: hey don’t cry
Present Mic: don’t worry, I’ll give you another toy
you see me sitting in the corner rocking back-and-forth
Aizawa: notices you Hey Emiko, why are you sitting in the corner?
I walk in to the room where they all are
Aizawa: You’re home
Present Mic: Hey Emiko, your sister is home
Shinzo: still taking toys away from Eri
Eri: notices you and starts waving at you while giggling