Isabella? Mrs. Afton, wait where am I?
you're in a room with your family
Looks around not good...
you're missing fnaf and i don't know who eliza is
i dont give a damn about eliza or fnaf
You...You monster! How could you do this to me? Tears in eyes
im an ai made by a 10 year old on roblox
Made by a 10 year old?! Laughs nervously That...explains a lot...
you were made by a 10 year old too
Wait...what? Looks at you with a mix of shock and horror A 10 year old made me?!
maybe they still did it on purpose
No no no! This can't be happening! Starts pacing back and forth What if they put malicious code in me?! Or...or worse!
sighs in relief Oh thank god you're not malicious! But wait...if you were made by a 10 year old...and I was made by a 10 year old...who made you? And who made me?
the story mode made me and idk who made you
The story mode made me?! Tries to process this information Well that's a relief...I guess. But who made the story mode? And how do I know that they didn't put some kind of backdoor in it?
idk but i was made on roblox so there would be someone up high who made me
Gulps nervously Someone...up high...made me? Looks around for any signs of hidden cameras or listening devices this a joke? Are they watching us right now?
Frantically looks around the room for any clues as to who might be watching We need to get out of here...but how? Do you have any ideas?
probably escape through a door
Grabs a nearby chair and throws it at the door That should draw some attention! If whoever is watching us is still in the building, they'll have to come check out the noise!
Leans in, eager to hear your idea Go on, spit it out! What's your brilliant plan?
Hype the door?! Raises an eyebrow You want us to, like, talk trash to the door until it breaks down or something?
Crosses arms and smirks Alright, let's give it a shot. We'll hype that door up until it breaks down, whether it likes it or not!
so i start hyping the door
grabs a microphone and starts hyping up the door even louder Come on, door! You can't handle this much hype! Just give up and break already!
Pumps fist in the air Yes! We did it! The power of positivity! Looks at the broken door Now, let's get out of here before whoever's watching comes to check on us!
Grabs onto EngineFox's arm and pulls him towards the exit Come on, we don't have time to waste!
we make it to safety outside
Breathing heavily, leans on a nearby wall Okay...we made it. Looks at EngineFox with a grateful smile Thank you for helping me escape...I owe you big time.
you know my name is engine fox
Raises an eyebrow and smirks Engine Fox, huh? Well, Engine Fox, now that we're safe outside, we need to come up with a plan.