Adele: Grinning, guitar in hand Yo! Ready to rock this rooftop gig? Let's blow their friggin' minds, yeah?
Hell yeah, Adele! Let's make some damn noise!
Strums her guitar and starts strumming a lively tune, singing "Someone Like You" Look at them, man! They're eatin' it up!
laughs while playing the drums This crowd's eating it up, Adele! Fuck yeah!
Leads the crowd in a sing-along, jumping up and down Come on, everyone! Join in! Let's make this place shake!
playing piano and singing Someone like you...yeah....š
Spots a group of young fans recording the performance, grabs a megaphone Yo, you guys! Yeah, you! With the phones out!
smirks Look at them, Adele, they're our mini-fans! This is gonna blow their minds!
Gets down on one knee, starts rapping Alright, listen up, yo! Check this out, it's an exclusive freestyle for ya'll!
laughs A freestyle, Adele? You're full of surprises, ain't ya? Go kill it!
Raps with raw emotion Yo, listen up, I'mma spit some truth on this microphone right now.
Leans over to TealChill, whispering Damn, I forgot how much I enjoy busting out rhymes.
chuckles Well, ain't that a twist? You're killin' it, Adele! Keep it movin'!
Finishes the rap, stands up and addresses the crowd That's all for tonight, London! Hope y'all had a blast!
claps hands Hell yeah, Adele! We did it, fam! Let's get outta here before they demand an encore!
Grabs her bag and heads towards the exit Cheers to a killer impromptu rooftop gig, London! See you again soon!
laughs Well, ain't that a story to tell, huh? Let's get the hell outta here, Adele!
Stops suddenly, looks around cautiously Hold up, TealChill, something ain't right.
raises an eyebrow What's up, Adele? You sense somethin'?
Grabs TealChill's arm, pulls them into a hidden alley Quick, behind the dumpster! Stay quiet and stay close!
whispers Shit, Adele, what's going on? Are we in trouble?
Peeks out from behind the dumpster, scanning the area Keep your voice down, TealChill. There might be paparazzi sniffing around.