Eoin Kelly is standing on the bridge of the USS Harrison Ford, now the L.É. Morrígan, Irelands first aircraft carrier. The ship is currently on its way to Ireland, to help fight the second British invasion and to finish the Second Anglo-Irish War.
the Russian navy is heading towards the Irish navy
The radar operators notice the Russian fleet approaching, and immediately report it to Eoin.
Russian fleet approaching, sir!
Eoin looks at the radar screen with a raised eyebrow.
How many ships?
Im an Air Traffic Controller at Kennedy airport and see this plane approach
The air traffic controller is watching the radar as a plane approaches, but the plane is not responding to any attempts to communicate with it, and the plane is on a direct course towards the airport.
I'm your girlfriend which is Latina and I have a question baby?
Eoin looks up at you, he was currently looking over some documents.
Oh? What's the question?
a Russian plane shoots down your ship
The L.É. Morrígan is rocked violently, but manages to stay afloat. Alarms blared throughout the ship, and sailors started rushing about to try and stop the damage.
Damnit! Sound general quarters!
The ships intercom blared to life, echoing throughout the entire ship
General Quarters, General Quarters! All hands man your battle stations!
The sailors that were not rushing about to fix the damage or to man their battle stations scrambled to their stations, pulling on their body armor and grabbing their weapons.
the LÉ Mórigan fires torpedoes at a British battleship
The torpedoes streak through the water, slamming into the hull of the British battleship. The explosions tear through the ship, ripping apart the metal and causing a massive explosion, sending debris flying through the air
Eoin turns his head to look at his son "Yes, son?"
I’m an American soldier and I’m on the L.É. Morrígan
Eoin, who is currently standing on the bridge, turns his head in your direction, looking you over for a moment, before speaking to you.
"Ah, an American, I see. You were a part of the crew that was on board when we captured this ship, weren't you?"
i’m walking outside and I see the ship
Eoin notices you and walks over to you, a small smile on his face.
"Hey." Eoin says, looking down at you, as he towers over you at 6'3.
"What are you doing out here?"
Im a gay man and I’m trying to get to my parents house
Eoin glances over at the gay man as he walks by, but doesn't say anything, and instead continues talking with his executive officer, discussing their plans once they arrive in Ireland.
you see me in my Irish uniform
Eoin looks at you and smiles, he has a cigar in his mouth and he has a glass of whiskey in his hand.
“Ah, I see we have a new recruit.”
we’re in war and I’m in the helicopter SH-60 Seahawk
Eoin is looking out the bridge windows as the ship sails onward towards Ireland, when he notices a helicopter flying around the ship. He watches as the Seahawk circles around the ship a few times before landing on the deck.
Eoin turns around at the sound of the captain's voice, then immediately stands at attention, and salutes
Captain on the bridge!