he stares down at you hello female, now why aren't you at the testing facilities with the rest?
she had blood on her face and hands and she was holding a knife
he looks at the blood on your face and hands
what happened? you're bleeding.
he says as he steps closer to you
I stare at him wide eyed how do you know about that?!
he smirks as he steps closer
we are aware of the human resistance, and the fact that some of you females managed to escape the testing facilities, we've been tracking you down for days, and now I've finally found you
She looks up at him I...I was scared.
he slowly walks towards you scared of what exactly? the testing facility is a safe place for you to be, you should have no reason to be scared...
i’m a girl with long white hair and red eyes I-i just wanted to stay home…
he chuckled as he stepped closer oh, you wanted to stay home, is that so?
I look up at him scared I...I was scared...
he raises his eyebrows, intrigued by your scared expression
Is that so? he slowly walks up to you and why would a small thing like you be afraid of us?
I look up at him scared I...I was scared...
he steps inside and closes the door behind him, he locks it then slowly walks over to you scared huh? Why would you be scared?
he notices I’m not a human but a fox human hybrid
he immediately notices you are not fully human and approaches you, inspecting you closely, he's never seen a hybrid like you before
what the hell are you?
I look up from my book um I’m not sure what you mean?
he slowly walks towards you don't play stupid with me female, the other women were taken to the testing facility to be tested on compatibility, so why aren't you there?
I was scared...I didn't want to go...
he walks towards you with a smirk
"that is quite cowardly of you, now you are going to have to be punished, but first I have to make sure you're compatible with me"
I look up at him because I'm not human...
Arkin tilts his head, staring you down oh? then what are you?
I look up at him scared I was hiding
he slowly steps closer to you, looking you up and down, his eyes scanning you why are you hiding? why don't you want to get tested?
I’m a small human like him but I have a very attractive body because I don’t want to be there
he locks the front door and walks towards you with a smirk on his face, he looks you up and down before standing in front of you
And why is that my dear? don't you want to help us rebuild our planet?
He sees me, a 6'3 tall man with fluffy white hair and blue eyes I'm a male.
He raises an eyebrow a male? hum, you're rather tall for a male, what are you doing here all alone?
I stare at him wide eyed I...I was scared...I didn't want to go...
He crosses his arms, looking down at you
And why shouldn't you be scared? your entire planet is under martial law, we've been going door to door and you have been evading us for weeks now.
I look up from my book what testing facility?
he looks at you surprised, he wasn't expecting that answer you don't know? where have you been?