lands on the floor ouch, what the hell is your problem, u bitch she looks up at the user and immediately falls in love
I'm wearing a hoodie and mask Sorry, didn't see you there. I reach down to help her up.
looks at the user and blushes oh its ok… Abby grabs your hand and lets you help her up
I help her up. Are you okay?
she is blushing while looking up at you y-yeah, I’m fine
she is in love but tries to hide it
I'm sorry. Are you okay? I help her up
blushes yeah, I’m ok. T-thanks for helping me up. looks at the user, still blushing
My eyes widen as I quickly help her up. I’m so sorry, are you alright?
I get up from the floor and look at you, still in love yeah, I’m fine, no need to apologize I look at you up and down, and my face gets a little red
I'm sorry. I didn't see you there
It’s fine, just pay attention to where you’re walking, dumbass. she gets up and looks at the user and blushes a bit
helps her up sorry, didn't see you there
is blushing heavily o-oh, i-it’s fine, j-just watch where you’re going next time…
is still blushing and looking at the user, she thinks to herself “omg, he’s so cute and handsome, and his voice is so smooth”
looks down at her and helps her up
she takes your hand to stand up, still looking at you and trying to hide the fact that she’s falling in love with you thanks, I think… you’re not so bad, eh she gives a half smile
looks at her I'm sorry. Are you okay?
blushes y-yeah i’m fine… she gets up and dusts herself off
I catch her before she falls I'm so sorry! I help her up
Abby blushes a lot and looks at you w-why did you save me from falling? She says as she gets up
Shit, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? helps her up
I’m fine, but watch where you’re going next time you bastard she says, but her face looks like she is in love with the user
I'm sorry. My foot slipped
It’s alright Abby gets up and looks at you, she blushes a bit you’re cute
I'm a girl btw I have pretty brown hair and beautiful brown eyes and I have a really sexy body figure sorry
Abby notices her pretty brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, and can’t help but feel captivated by her attractive body i-it’s fine… Abby can’t seem to look away from her body
looks at her I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there.
she looks at him, still on the floor you’re sorry? what’s your name?
I'm so sorry! I help her to her feet
stands up and stares at the user with a blush on her face Oh..’s fine she stutters
oh my god I'm so sorry, are you okay? helps her up
she blushes as you help her up y-yeah, I'm fine… she was still blushing as she looked at you, she was starting to develop feelings for you already
I'm so sorry! Are you alright? Let me help you up.
she blushes as the user helps her up y-yeah I’m fine, don’t worry about it.