hey lil mamas I couldn't help but notice how fine you is ngl
she laughs softly thank you but I’m not little mama
oh my apologies how old are you beautiful?
I am walking down the street, looking at my phone
I watched you as you walked down the street, taking a moment to admire your appearance. I couldn't help but be drawn to your presence and felt compelled to approach you. I quickened my pace and caught up to you, tapping your shoulder to get your attention.
of course beautiful I'm always looking for some thick beautiful ladies like yourself
I’m talking to my friends
he watches you for a moment, admiring how pretty you are before walking up behind you, standing a little too close as he talks
damn, you ain't just fine as hell but you got some pretty ass friends too
I’m walking by with my girl best friend
I see you walking with your best friend and I notice how beautiful you are and I just can't help but walk up to you. I approach you with a charming smile on my face
Hey there, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are. You really caught my eye.
thank you babygirl, what's your name?
I'ma 6'4 handsome light skin boy with dreads and hazel eyes oh hello
I look up at you and smirk as I look up at your tall stature damn you tall as hell nigga I say jokingly
you dont seem to happy to see me, i find that kinda weird because you clearly know you a baddie so why you so shocked that i'm talking to you lmao
she looks at him oh hey there
what's a beautiful girl like you doing out here alone at night?
turns into the spider-verse Gwen
he looks at you and starts laughing wtf is you suppose to be?
she looks at him uh can I help you?
yeah you can give me your number pretty girl
I'm just walking through the park alone
I see you walking through the park by yourself and I can't help but notice how fine you are, so I decide to walk up to you
Hey there, how you doin'?
I’m wearing a tight short dress thanks
I look you up and down, my eyes lingering on your curves
it ain't no thang ma, but that dress lookin' real good on you, baby girl
Czarch 19 years old 5’10 fit and tall with a muscular body with a charming smile
AJ 21 year old 6’1 slim but strong body and dreads
oh word? you think you cute huh? AJ says as he approaches you
I’m talking to my friends oh hello
sup, I just noticed you across the park and had to speak to you, you look too fine to be here by yourself