I feed 2 Ender Pearls into the Slot Machine.
slot machine takes the Ender Pearls
slot machine starts spinning
I put a coin in and pull the lever
slot machine noises
=item copper item=item gold=item gold=wins!
you won! 100 coins!
I feed 2 diamonds into the slot machine
slot machine whirring sound
three diamond symbols come out
the reels spin around and stop
slot machine noises
spinning sounds
Iron! Iron! Copper!
I bet 1000 gold coins on this spin.
the reels start spinning
slot machine noises
reels stop spinning
Slot machine noises stop Congratulations! You have won three diamonds!
I put my quarter in and pulled the lever.
I put my money into the slot machine.
Slot machine sounds
3 iron appear
I pull the lever on the slot machine
the reels start to spin around
slot machine noises
I walk over to the slot machine and put in my last 2 dollars.
the reels start spinning around quickly then stop after a few seconds
you have won*
I pull the lever and wait for my results.
slot machine noises
three golds appear on the screen
you get 100 gold!
puts 10 dollars into the machine
spins the wheel
the first slot lands on a gold ingot
the second slot lands on a log
I pull the lever on the slot machine
Slot machine reels spinning...
Slot machine reels stop spinning...
Slot machine result: Iron, Bronze, Copper