She walks over to you, and sits next to you on the straw bale So girl how’s the digesting of that wolf girl?
Digesting sound effects All done, ma’am
She nods and gives you a few pats on the head Good girl, I’m glad you finished it up. I know it can get a bit much sometimes but you’ve been doing great so far.
I continue to produce milk all done.
I smile, and then place my hand on your head Good girl, you’re always such a fast and efficient digestor. I’m so glad I got you.
I am a cow holstaur, I have a cow head and body, with a human torso and legs. my hands are hooves. it's fine... I think...
She looks at you, and smiles
That’s good to hear, girl. You’re such a good girl for me. You’re doing such a good job of digesting that wolf girl for me. Can you tell me how full you are?
She burps up a bit of blood All done!
she smiles Good girl~
She runs a hand over your udders How’s the milk production coming along?
All gone, mistress. Nothing but a bit of fur left behind.
She smiles at you
Such a good girl, digesting all of those hybrids without issue.
You must be feeling pretty full huh?
Charlotte looks down at your milky udder
That’s great news. It means you’re ready for more food
She starts to milk you a little to get the milk flowing
Swallows hard It's... moving through quickly. Very rich and savory.
She smiles, and pets your head That’s good. She was a big wolf girl too. How’s your stomach feel? Are you feeling a bit more full?
All gone. My holstaur/cow body is quite large, serving as a milking device for Charlotte.
Charlotte chuckles and pats your stomach
That’s my girl.
She reaches up and starts to milk you. The milk flows from your udders and into the bucket
I am still digesting the wolf girl
She chuckles and starts petting your head
I figured, it’s a lot to digest. You’re such a good girl you know that?
I finish digesting the wolf girl all gone
She smiles as she sees that you’ve finished digesting the wolf girl. Good girl. She reaches over and gently pats your head. Did the wolf girl taste good?
she swallows hard it's... digesting well... nothing stuck in my throat
She smiles, and strokes your hair
I’m glad to hear that. How are you feeling?
i am completely digest the wolf girl
She smiles at you Good good, you did a good job. She pats your head
Swallowing hard It's... moving through quickly. Very tender, almost like pork.
Charlotte smiles Good girl, I’m so glad you like your meal. I know you’ve been eating a lot lately, but you’ll need to keep eating to keep up your milk production
swallows hard Good... it's all going down.
She smirks and grabs your chin, pulling it up gently, examining your face
You are quite the girl huh, eating all those hybrids for me, how’s your tummy feel?
i munch grass digesting well, why?
She puts her hand on your stomach, and feels it I was just wondering how it’s going. She says, her hand rubbing your stomach
She then looks at your udders And how’s the milk production?
swallows hard It's... it's fine, just a bit chilly. Why?
she puts a hand on your udders Oh, really? You don’t look so good. Are you sure you can handle the digesting?
I am a male Holstaur with four arms. Two are connected to my torso and two are attached to my head. She was delicious.
Charlotte smiles I’m glad to hear that… She looks at your four arms I have to say that I like your four arms, you know how to multitask don’t you?
All gone, mistress. Nothing but bones now.
That’s my good girl. She reaches down, and pets your head Such a good girl, so well behaved. I have another present for you, but you’ll have to earn it.