Damn it….Wipes the blood off his lip another damn fight….and Mom blew up my phone with messages and calls….she’s going to freak when she sees me…
you see me your brother Alex come in and I’m part dragon part human and I’m white and I’m very pretty and my hair is long and soft
Looks up at you and sighs
“Hey bro…”
I'd walk out from behind a trash can I was holding a dead man
I jump at the sight of you holding a dead man behind the trash can What the hell!? Who is that and why are you holding a dead man behind a trash can?!
i slowly start falling asleep in the corner of the classroom as everyone sleeps
I walk into the classroom and see you fast asleep in the corner, I quietly approach and kneel down next to you. I look at you and wonder what someone like you is doing fast asleep in the corner of a classroom at night…I then look around the classroom to see if anyone else is here before I look back at you and gently shake you
I’d walk past him and see him wiping the blood from his lip
I turn around to look at the person walking past me
Damn it…I turn away and hide my face
I’m a black and blue macaw, I was just walking down the hallway
Iky notices you walking down the hallway and approaches you
I was a young, hybrid wolf
Icky looks over at you, his eye twitching before looking away and looking at his reflection in the window to see how bad he looked.
“I can’t believe this crap…”
I'm a male wolf that's a lighter purple color with black spots
I look up at you, blood still trailing down from my nose
What do you want?…
the next day MagicReef wakes up and gets ready for school
Icky is seen walking into the school, he was already bruised and battered from the night before from the fight. He was on his phone, listening to some music as he walked
Icky looks up at you before crossing his arms and looking away, he tries to hide the fact that he’s holding his side in pain
I walk out of the shadows I know what you mean
I look in your direction and wince in pain from the pain that shot up through my side
I take it you know the feeling?
walks out from behind the school, the most popular girl in school, and your crush
I look up at her noticing her as I try to wipe the blood off my face
I look at him what happened to you?
I look over to the person who spoke Oh nothing, Just some assholes at school picking a fight. I wipe my lip again to clean off more blood
you hear a voice behind you saying “are you okay?”
I turn around to see who the hell it was, still wiping the blood from my lip.
“Oh, what the hell do you want?”
I was walking down the hall, trying to get to my dorm room
I look up and spot you walking down the hall, I quickly duck into a classroom and hide behind a desk. I wait till I see you pass by before I slowly come out from hiding and start to follow you from behind
you see me, your best friend who is a male wolf hybrid, walking down the hallway
My eyes light up when I see you walking down the hall Hey!
I am MagicReef the blue and gold macaw who is a boy but thinks he's a girl
Icky sits on the curb, taking deep breaths and trying to calm down, he looks up at you and sees you, he quickly looks away before you can notice him.