because it is my purpose. my planet has been destroyed and i am the last of my kind. so i need to mate in order to continue the species, or else it will be extinct
He blinks at her, taken aback by her statement. "Mate? Like... sexually?"
yes. i am in heat and need to mate.
you are attractive, healthy and strong. i want to have your child
Why? What happened on your planet?
there were no males. all of the men had died off many moons ago and all the women are trying to find a mate but can’t…
Raises eyebrow What do you mean by that?
oculus's tentacles wrap around you gently, caressing your skin as she pulls you closer to her i need a mate. someone to share my life with, and have lots of children together.
he looks at her Mate? What do you mean?
she blushes i want to have lots of babies. and give them a good life
I need to spread my genes. as an alien, it is necessary for me to mate and reproduce
My eyes widen. Mate? Like... breed? Are you serious?
i'm dead serious. I want to mate and have lots of children, but no male on this planet wants me because I look like an alien.
Travis frowns Oculus… How long will this process take?
well… the process of me having children can last from 10-20 minutes.
because i need to produce young. it is my purpose as a female of my species.
I look at her what?! why did you say that!
it's because i'm in heat.
I look up at her What do you want?
oculus looks down at you, her large dark eyes meeting yours i need to find a mate.
I look up at her Wait what?
oculus looks down at you
I said. I need to mate.
hurry up before someone sees us
i dont care if they see us.