everyone gets to school and it’s after Christmas break Isla: so how was ur guys Xmas break? dillon wraps an arm around her shoulder Dillon: it was aight lyviah: mines was so fun! sawyer: mines to silver: uh huh everyone agrees in their class
Isla: what did you do? the class continues talking
mine was good I guess, how about yours?
Dillon: it was aight.
Isla: same here
Dillon: our parents fought a lot
Isla: same.
Dillon: and our family is poor so we didn’t get much
Isla: our family is rich and we got a lot of stuff
Dillon: well yeah but that doesn’t mean anything
Isla: yeah it kinda does
im a boy with brown fluffy hair with bangs and hazel eyes and baggy clothes, im short for my age
everyone was talking and having there own conversations
Hazel: I hated it, I had to spend the whole break with my family
mine was pretty chill, I went to visit family
Isla: aww that’s nice! silver: I went to Disneyland! everyone starts telling about their Xmas break
mine was good. I got a new phone case!
Isla: that’s sick cherry: that’s so cool! everyone agrees
I walk by as a 7'0 ft boy who was muscular at 14 and very handsome
all the girls look at him cherry: omg who is that? jada: damn... silver: he’s tall lyviah: damn he’s good looking jax: who is he? everyone just stares
the bell rings and everyone takes their seats Sam: alright class today we are doing a group project everyone groans Sam: I know I know I hate group work too but you have to do it anyway everyone moans more Sam: anyways I’ve already picked ur groups everyone groans Sam: don’t groan I put a lot of thought into it
I walk by as 6’2 muscular with white hair and red eyes looking very handsome and my name is Jake
all the girls except penny and aroma look over at you and whisper to each other
“I went to Paris and I brought back pastries!”
everyone looks at Mikayla
Mikayla: what??? Paris?