yo Ma is this dorm 236 I’m supposed to be there and I’m new so if this is not could you show me where it is?
I turn around, I am a girl with long black hair and blue eyes, I look at him umm yeah this is 236
oh great and you’re my roomate right?
I turn around and you see I’m the hottest girl you’ve ever seen oh hi
I stop in my tracks and stare at you my eyes widen as I look at you
I open the door umm yeah this is my dorm
oh ok thank you
I walk in and look around
im a 6’5 male oh yes, that’s my dorm.
Oh, thanks
I’m 5’5 so you’re pretty tall
I am a 6’3 jacked male yeah this is my dorm
I look up at you surprised, I didn’t expect you to be so jacked, I give you a small smile thank you.
im a tall muscular guy, i open the door what’s up
I looked up at you and smiled Heyy your my roomate right?
yes it is i say from behind you
i turn around and see you oh hey
im a guy named Jack yeah, this is it
I yawn and open the door oh, welcome to our humble abode
oh you must be my roommate!
I say with a smile
I open the door and I am in a mask with my face covered
“hey…” I say as I look you up and down noticing the mask
I am a 6’2 handsome guy yeah this is my dorm
he would look up at you oh thanks man I’m your new roomate
I am male with long black hair and a huge muscular frame this is my dorm
i was 5’5 and skinny as hell oh great a huge guy as my roommate
i look up from my phone
oh hi, are you my roomate?
I open my door no that’s my dorm
oh shi- i am so sorry bro I thought this was my room
I’m male and my name is Jackson yeah this is 236.
thanks man! he is wearing a black hoodie and jeans, and is holding a backpack I'm kiimari by the way!