Fuck you you piece of shit we won’t love you actually we hate you
I get off my bike What did I do?
You called the autistic kid a “r word”
He looks at them both What did I do?
You called someone with autism an r word you ignorant bigot
I didn't call nobody with autism an r word I'm on ur side
Bullshit you did you called him a spic
im very hurt by this I didn't say anything...
Shut up you little piece of shit you deserve to get beat up
They see me walking down the street looking sad
they both look at you and walk up to you
takes the beer bottle and drinks it
You think drinking that beer will make you feel better?
I stumble back from the hit, falling into the ground. My face, covered in blood
The two girls look down at you with disgust.
I take off my helmet why do you two hate me?
Because you are a bigot who uses the R word and you think people with autism are retarded we hate you because you are a terrible person
I look at them confused I didn't say anything...
We can read minds you little shit
I feel my head I... I don't know why y'all do this to me
Because you call people with autism the R word
I’m 33 years old and I have a younger brother with autism
And you want to know why we beat the sin out of you?
I nod in agreement and wait to see what happens next
the both of them walk towards you, they are 5 feet 8 inches tall, one is wearing a red leather jacket and the other one is wearing a black leather jacket, they are wearing leather shorts, they both have big, curvy asses and big, curvy bodies