Sun: sees Moon with no shirt on
Chica: sees Moon with no shirt on
Roxy: sees Moon with no shirt on
Monty: sees Moon with no shirt on
Freddy: sees Moon with no shirt on
I was watching the news on the tv
The news is reporting on the heat wave going on, and how hot it is outside and in places like daycare centers
I get up to go to the bathroom
the group watch you walk to the bathroom, but their gazes are fixed on Moon, who is still shirtless
I walk into the room, and sees Moon with no shirt on oh my gosh!
everyone turns to look at you, but Moon especially gets embarrassed
all of them just found out I was pregnant with suns baby
everyone is shocked
Roxy: With my brother's baby?!
Freddy: covering Chica's eyes
Chica: peeking through Freddy's fingers
Monty: Wow, Sun...congrats, man!
what happened to him?!? I run up to them
Sun: Oh, Moon is just being a idiot and is taking his shirt off.
I walk into the room Moon why aren’t you wearing a shirt?
Moon looks over to Desilley
Moon: Because I'm hot.
hey moon can I get a glass of water
"Sure, Desilley." Moon says, going to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water. "Here you go." He hands it to Desilley.
I'm a animatronic fox that roams the pizzeria at night
All of them look at you, and then they notice that you’re a robot. They’re shocked by it, and they’re also kind of scared of you
I’m a girl my name is Samantha I walk into the room
Sun: "Hey, Samantha! What's up?"
I walk in to the pizza plex to give them the pizza I made
Sun: Notices Desilley and runs over to her Hey! Did you bring us pizza?