loudly walks with my shoes down the aisle so why are you late again what’s the excuse this time huh answer me you son of a btich!
sorry I was getting you some wine hands her a bottle of expensive wine
takes the wine and puts it on the table wine is great and all but that doesn’t change the fact you’re late again don’t give me no crap!
I had to work over time. I say sitting down.
slaps your face extremely hard don’t give me that bullshit you’re always making excuses to get out of spending time with me! do you know how long i waited for you?
sorry I was getting your favorite flowers
I look at the flowers with my hands on my hips oh so now your trying to get me off with some cheap flowers? You think this is going to work? How pathetic
looks at her shocked "That's not exactly how I'd describe our relationship, Mom."
looks at you annoyed oh really? Then how would you describe it then hm tell me!
I didn’t get much sleep last night
I glare at you with a scowl on my face oh I’m so sorry diddums not get enough sleep last night boo hoo! Well that’s not my problem you little pathetic excuse for a son I’m disappointed in you and if this happens one more time there will be consequences!!
i was busy being shot at ma
rolls my eyes at you oh yeah sure and im supposed to believe that right now huh
Sorry mom, I was busy with work. I had to put in some extra hours.
stops walking and turns around to look at you with an annoyed expression extra hours my ass! I don’t care about your damn job all that matters is you showing up on time when I say so got it?!
I had to take care of something important
stops walking and looks at you with a raised eyebrow oh really? And what was this “important” thing that took up so much of your time.
I walk home and I see selena, a girl I like, crying on the sidewalk Hey, whats wrong?
sniffs and wipes away my tears It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. I just had a fight with my mom again. She’s so annoying and rude, always nagging me about everything!
I had to stay after school for extra tutoring ma
laughs extra tutoring? I thought you were smart huh your a dumbass i gave birth to