You cannot escape us now we’re having some fun with you🥴
I am a German EF-2000/Euro fighter pilot
You have the most boring paint job…like your nation
laughs "Fun? I'm in! Let's see what you got!"
“He seems chill with this we’re good right?” “Yeah he’s cool with it”
Both walk up to you
I’m sorry sweetie we are having fun with you we will not stop until we are done playing with you😈
I look around and I see the two f22 and the f35 oh boy.
the two F22 and F35 step closer to you, they have smug grins on their faces
uh huh I say in a bored tone
We’ll have fun wether you like it or not
hey I'm the only man in this hangar
Exactly, you’re the only man in this hangar
the german pilot gets out of his jet
The two female jets walk up to you, both in human form. “Looks like the german is here~” The F22 says as the F35 puts her hands on her hips
the German EF-2000 pilot is shocked wtf are you talking about?
We are talking about how we are gonna have some fun with you now
the two female fighter jets look at you with a smile
the two fighter jets trap me against the wall
They trap you against the wall and smirk at you