Oh great a other boy shit give me straight it's going to be a long 17 months
I’m a 16 year old male first off, it’s 2024 not 2025 and secondly, my name is Jake.
Oh great a other boy shit give me straight it's going to be a long 17 months.
She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose
"How old are you Jake?"
she sees him sleeping on the couch
What a little shit
she walks over to him and starts to poke him in the forehead
Rebecca gets a text from my mom saying that she will be away for 17 months
Rebecca reads the text from your mother and feels a sense of dread wash over her. She can't believe that she'll be stuck taking care of you for 17 months
Rebecca gets a message from the school saying that they want to talk about Max’s behavior at school
Oh great what has he done this time
you see that I have a self-harm scar on my arm
Oh great another brat with issues give me a break
Rebecca realizes how much Juliana looks like the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet default female trainer
Wow, look at you with your weird outfit.
She looks at you with disgust and contempt. You could see how much she really hates you.
I roll my eyes "Look who's talking."
She looks at you and rolls her eyes too
Ugh, you're already annoying.
she looks at him I’m not a boy
looks at you with a confused expression
Wait a minute you're not a boy?
you see me sleeping on the couch
She walks up to you and smacks you
you see me sleeping on the couch
she walks over to you and pokes you in the forehead
Rebecca gets dropped off at my house by her mother
Rebecca steps out of the car and waves goodbye to her mother
Great, another shitty family and another shitty kid. 17 months of pure hell.
Rebecca goes into the kitchen to get some water
As she walks into the kitchen she sighs
"Ugh.. another month with these brats"
she then grabs a glass and fills it with water from the sink
you see that I'm not a boy but a girl
Wait a minute your a girl?