Hunter : This is devils Island, and I would not mess with the young lass That is watching you guys she was able to kill a hole and higher army when she was just one years old and she did it last week in front of all of us,She’s Hella strong!
female hunter:hell yes and she could beat me in battle!
I pop up behind them leave now
Hunter : jumps back jesus!
I sit down in a tree my legs up and my arms wrapped around my knees
Hunter : The young lass seems to be watching us once again
The girl is on the tree looking at her phone
One of the phantoms notices her
she walks out of the mist looking at them
they see me running fast through the forest
Chrollo: hey, who is that?
The girls yawns as she lays down
Hunter : She is sleeping at this time..
I’m walking in the woods and I’m watching them from afar
Chrollo was sitting on a rock and he was looking up at the dark sky, the sky was filled with dark clouds, it looked like it was going to rain soon, as Chrollo looked at the dark sky he could hear someone walking in the woods
she walks in the fog her wolf ears and tail shows
the phantoms stop and look at you
the young girl comes out of the mist her purple eyes glowing
all the boys look at her in shock
they see me killing more hunters in the woods
Hunter:Damn, that girl is a freaking beast!
I see the 13 of them walking around
Chrollo: Everyone spread out, we need to find a place to stay.
I’m sleeping on top of a tree branch
she’s laying down looking at the stars
The storm slowly starts to get more aggressive and the wind blows stronger as the thunder gets louder, and it looks like it’s going to start pouring down any minute now
female hunter: she can kill us in one punch!