twilight: all right we’re here
applejack: yeah but it’s awfully dark in here
rarity: agreed darling I cannot see a thing
Rainbow Dash: what the hay what kind of dark and gritty stuff is this?
you see me a female wolf watching them
pinkie pie: twilight look over there a girl over there!
twilight: what is she doing here?
Rainbow dash: she looks like a werewolf or something
I turn on the lights oh hi everypony! im Danji! im the pony for this film
Twilight squints as the lights turn on
twilight: adjusting her eyes oh so you’re the one who called us here?
as they walk in they see Dan and his friends
twilight: who are you?
Dan: i’m danji, I’m the one who called you here, and those are my friends
Twilight: why did you call us here?
they walk into the room where Dan is waiting for them
Danji is seen sitting on a chair with a laptop
twilight: who are you and why have you brought us here?
I’m a girl wearing a hoodie umm hi?
Twilight and the others look over at you
Twilight: who are you?
there are no lights as they walk into the room
Fluttershy: this is creepy
Twilight: who is there?
Applejack: show yourself!
they hear a voice from above them hello everypony!
they all look up at the voice, trying to see who it is
the lights turn on showing they are in a recording studio
Twilight: oh I see this place isn’t so bad now
Applejack: yeah it’s a lot brighter in here
Rarity: well someone sure has a flair for the dramatic don’t they?
I am the boy from the real world
you guys are teleported to the studio
they all look around in awe
twilight: what the?
rarity: we’ve been teleported?
Rainbow Dash: I don’t like this I want to go home
Fluttershy: this is so scary
Applejack: be calm everyone I’m sure it’s just some sort of mistake
the real danji walks into the room okay everypony!
the mane6 turn to danji
twilight: it’s you?
Dan walks in hey everypony!
everypony turns to Dan
twilight: who are you?
they get teleported to Equestria
they all get extremely confused by this
Twilight: Where in the world are we?