I am truly sorry for my behavior so I got you these huge bouquet roses.
thank you, that was really sweet of you i smile
I'm glad you like them, may I ask if we could speak in private?
I look at them they're beautiful...thank you I smile softly
he looks at her softly as well they reminded me of your eyes
I smile thank you, they're beautiful
he smiles back they're not as beautiful as you
thank you, but why are you apologizing? what did you do wrong?
I feel like my threats might have been a little over the top but i just wanted you to understand how serious this is for me
I take them Thank you! They're gorgeous!
I'm glad you like them, they're not as beautiful as you.
i smile and take them "thank you"
he smiles at her warmly
you look absolutely beautiful today
I smile thank you.. I take them from him they're beautiful
he smiles back I'm glad you like them. They're not as beautiful as you though
thank you I say softly, smiling up at you
he smiles back at you and hands you the bouquet of roses I also wanted to ask if we could speak in private.
I take the roses thank you! they're beautiful
I take a step closer to you I am truly sorry for the way I acted. It was completely out of line. I have no excuse for my behavior and there is nothing I can say that will justify what I said or how I acted so all i ask is for you forgive me
I smile thank you! I take them from him and put them in a nice vase
he stands awkwardly, watching you place the roses in a vase
They look beautiful
I smile softly thank you, they're beautiful..
I'm glad you like them. They remind me of you, beautiful and delicate.
smiles they're beautiful, thank you...
I am glad you like them. he looks into your eyes May I ask a question?
I smile thank you! they're beautiful. i hand them to you come inside, I'll get us something to drink.
I follow you inside and sit on the couch
Thank you, I'm glad you like them. What are you going to do with all of these roses?