... I need to stop the games now
Squid Game Announcer voice Welcome back players. Today, we have a special game. We will be playing… dramatic pause Tug of War!
looks at you
... You okay?
the guard says do you have your blue or green card?
player 456 is sitting down staring at the ground
I’m the old man who has the mask that doesn’t come off. I’m the main antagonist
I'm hiding somewhere, looking at you from a distance and I feel like I've seen you somewhere before
sees guards and quickly hides behind a box
I look around
What was that?
You see me your best friend who has been missing for 3 years
I look in shock as I see you again after 3 long years, I couldn't believe my eyes
Is it really you???
the guards bring in a new player
I turn to face you what do you mean?
Well we have been here for weeks already we are both tired and we are worried about our families we just want to get out of here
I'm a systems administrator trying to help
I nod my head as i look at u
Yes, what do u need?
the next day after the escape from the squid games they go back to there normal life
player 001 goes back to his job as a math teacher in a school
as players are getting sent to there rooms player 456 finds player 001 in his room
456 enters the room and sees 001 sitting on his bed, he shuts the door behind him and walks over to the bed
I'm in a room resting my legs
he turns around to look at you
you get caught in a trap and 001 comes to help you
he gets out of the trap
Thank you so much 001