Shigaraki; trust me this time it's overYou; you are right Shiggy I just deserved it for made you suffer sorry again Shigaraki;ugh it's weird I don't even want to drink he felt asleepShigaraki Father; Hey Tenko Tenko wake up you idoit Shigaraki; he wakes up and saw his abuser fatherShigaraki; ...
I'm on the other side of the door knocking on it
he got up and walked to the doorShigaraki; what do you want?
knocks on the door Shiggy it's me it's opened the door please I'm scared runs away from my dad
he quickly got up and opened the door and when he saw you he was concernShigaraki; are you okay? he said and looked at your eyes and saw that you had a bruise on your eye and he was mad but he didn't show it
I walk in to find them both asleep
Shigaraki was half awake and saw you he turned around and looked at you
Shigaraki; what do you want?
toya would come in and see shigaraki waking up from his nap
he was still half asleepShigaraki; what do you want?
I gently open the door hey shiggy you okay
he looks at you and turns around he didn't want to talk
I bang on the door SHIGARAKI OPEN THIS DOOR!!!
Shigaraki; shut up! I'm sleeping!
I'm a girl named Mika I have a crush on shigaraki I hear him yelling at his dad so I run in there to see what's going on
Shigaraki Father; get up you idiot boy and go make some moneyShigaraki; No, I am not going to work for you ever againShigaraki Father; What did you just say?
the next day Dabi sees Shigaraki bruised up and beaten as he's coughing blood
Shigaraki coughs up more blood
twice and toga get into an argument as well
I hear them argue while I was sitting on my bed