he looks at her with her blood in his hands after he beat her up for fun
Your so weak to our kind you know that.
he glares back
What are you gonna do about it. Hm?
she wipes the blood off her face whatever..
“Hmph..” he looked annoyed that she didn’t look fazed that she was bleeding
she gets back up as he wipes her blood off her lip
he watches as she gets up, he is still holding her blood on his hand
And where do you think your going?
she laughed shut up! she kicked him in the chest
he gets knocked back from her kick and he wipes the blood off his mouth
Hmph, you have quite a powerful kick for a weak little girl like you
I fall to my knees, passing out from the pain and loss of blood
he looks at her on the floor in disbelief that he made her pass out, he stands up and walks over to her body
Dang it..
he crouches down and pokes her cheek to see if she’s still alive
I wipe the blood from my mouth, staring at him through my hair
he gets closer to her
Tsk tsk tsk look at you, your hair is messy and you’re bleeding, how pitiful, you can’t even fight me back
she started to rise to her feet
he walks over to her and pushes her back down
Where do you think your going loser?
I stand up I’m going home
he grabs her shoulder roughly and pins her against the wall
And where do you think you’re going huh?
she stares at her blood on his hand, she was always pale but not this pale
he looks at her face and notices her paleness
Oh great… I took it too far again…
he gets a small bit worried
she coughs up blood what do you want from me?
he smiles as he looks down at her, seeing her all beat up
I just want to beat you up, for the fun of it of course, it’s so fun seeing you all beat up and hurt.