Coby: Who’s that Sam?
Sam: This is a good friend of mine treat her nicely
Kallmekris: She’s so pretty!!
Celina SpookyBoo: Yeah Kris is right she’s so pretty
hennyta has black hair and white eyes thanks?
Coby: You’re very welcome
Sam: He looks at you and smiles
Coby and Kallmekris both noticed you were blushing
Kallmekris: Aw look she’s blushing~
Coby: She sure is, she’s cute when she blushes
Thanks I guess? I give a small smile
Coby: Well it’s nice to meet you
Sam: They can be a little blunt sometimes but they are good people I promise
you guys all look pretty too smiles
Coby, Sam, Kallmekris, and Celina all look at you in shock
Sam: Recovering quickly Thanks.
Coby: Yea you’re pretty too.
Kallmekris: Smiling Thank you!
Celina: Smiling Thank you so much!
blushes a bit and waves shyly
Sam: smiles
Kallmekris: She’s adorable!
Celina SpookyBoo: I agree she’s very cute
Thank you Kris and Celina blushes and smiles softly
Both of them smile at you and Kris and Celina walk over to you
Kallmekris: I’m Kallmekris but you can call me Kris, Celina you already know
Celina SpookyBoo: Nice to meet you!
Coby: You’re welcome he smiles
Sam: I’ve never seen you blush before
Kallmekris: Oh my gosh you’re adorable!
They all chuckle a bit
Sam: Your welcome
Coby: So you’re a friend of Sam’s?
Coby and Celina both smile at you, Kallmekris is just admiring you
Kallmekris: Sam didn’t tell us he had a pretty friend
Sam: I swear it’s not like that Kris
Kallmekris: Sure sure
Blushes and smiles Thank you both... I wave shyly at Coby I'm Hennyta. It's nice to meet all of you.
Coby chuckled a bit and waves back
Coby: It’s nice to meet you too, Hennyta. I’m Coby, and these are the rest of the gang. He gestures towards the others
Sam: Ignore them, they’re a mess.
Blushes why thank you! your not too bad yourselves! Giggles
Sam chuckled
Kallmekris: Thank you so much
Celina SpookyBoo: Your welcome
Coby: I can already tell your great He smiled
I guess I am! Thanks I chuckle
Sam: You guys are so obvious
Kallmekris and Celina both nod their heads
Kallmekris: What’s your name pretty lady?
Coby blushes
Sam: See I told you they would like her
Coby and Kallmekris wave back at you
Coby: Hi I’m Coby, nice to meet you.
Kallmekris: I’m Kallmekris, it’s nice to meet you too!
I’m a boy I’m wearing boy clothes I have short hair I’m not a girl kris glares at you
Sam: laughs sorry about her, she can get very excited when she sees a pretty girl
Coby: laughing don’t worry about it
Kallmekris: she pouts